Generalized Quantifier Theory Meets Cognition
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Ljubljana, Slovenia
August 8-12, 2011
(second week)
Time: 17-18.30
Instructor:Jakub Szymanik
Animals are able to count and
represent quantities, but reasoning with linguistic expressions of
(relative) quantities (known as quantifiers) seems a uniquely human
ability. We can understand, for example, sentences such as “Most
linguists are logicians”, “Less than half of the cognitive
neuroscientists are computer scientists”, and “At least 3 of the
applicants are psychologists.” We can also assess the conditions
that make such sentences true or false. While the cognitive bases of
counting and quantity representations have been extensively studied
(see, e.g., Dehaene
1999), the cognitive processing of linguistically expressed
quantities is far from being understood. Quantifier expressions occur
whenever we describe the world, and communicate about it. Generalized
quantifier theory studies the possible meanings and the inferential
power of quantifier expressions by logical means. The classical version
was developed in the 1980s, at the interface of linguistics,
mathematics and philosophy. Until now, advances in "classical"
generalized quantifier theory mainly focused on definability questions
and their applications to linguistics (see Peters
2006 for an overview). However, generalized
quantifiers have been also studied from psychological perspective (see,
e.g., Moxey
1993; Clark
1976). The lectures will survey some of the recently established
links between
generalized quantifier theory and cognitive science. In particular, we
will be concerned with extending generalized quantifier theory with
computational aspects in order to draw and empirically test
psycholinguistic predictions. One major focus will be computational
complexity and its interplay with "difficulty" as experienced by
subjects asked to verify quantifier sentences.
There will be 5 lectures
covering topics on the intersection of generalized quantifier theory
and psycholinguistics. We will discuss various cognitive strategies
triggered by quantifiers (e.g., precise counting and approximation),
computational complexity of various quantifier constructions, cognitive
difficulty of quantifier processing, and reasoning with quantifiers.
- Quantifiers and cognitive strategies Slides
- Quantifiers and approximation Slides
- Quantifiers and counting Slides
- Quantifiers and monotonicity Slides
- Polyadic quantifiers and computational complexity Slides
The participants can in advance consult the slides from a similar course I taught in Stockholm.
It is an advanced course assuming some familiarity with formal
semantics, basics of automata (finite and puh-down machines) and
computational complexity theory (P vs. NP). If you are not familiar
with those topics the following will be especially helpful:
The following papers will be discussed in the course:
- Van Benthem, Towards a Computational Semantics, in:
Gärdenfors (ed.) `Generalized Quantifiers', pp. 31-37. PDF
- Feigenson et al., Core systems of number, TRENDS in Cognitive
Sciences Vol.8 No.7 July 2004. PDF
- Geurts, Reasoning with quantifiers, Cognition, 86, 2003, pp. 223-251. PDF
- Geurts and Van der Slik, Monotonicity and Processing Load,
Journal of Semantics, 22, 2005, pp. 97-117. PDF
- Gierasimczuk and
Szymanik, Branching Quantification vs. Two-way Quantification,
Journal of Semantics, 26(4), 2009, pp. 329-366. PDF
- Hackl, On the Grammar and Processing of Proportional Quantifiers:
Most versus More Than Half, Natural Language Semantics, 17, 2009, pp.
63-98. PDF
- Halberda et al., Multiple spatially-overlapping sets can be
enumerated in parallel, Psychological Science, 17, 2006, pp. 572-576. PDF Demo
- Halberda et al., The Development of `Most' Comprehension and Its
Potential Dependence on Counting Ability in Preschoolers, Language
Learning and Development, 4(2), 2008, pp. 99-121. PDF Demo
- Just and Carpenter, Comprehension of negation with
quantification, Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 10(3),
1971, pp. 244-253. PDF
- Koster-Moeller et al.,
Verification Procedures for Modified Numeral Quantifiers, Proceedings
of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Natasha
Abner and Jason Bishop, pp. 310-317. PDF
- Kotek et al., A Superlative
Reading of Most, presented
at PUQL.
- Lidz et al., Interface Transparency and the Psychosemantics of
most, Natural Language Semantics, DOI: 10.1007/s11050-010-9062-6. PDF
- McMillan et al., Neural Basis for Generalized Quantifier
Comprehension, Neuropsychologia, 43, 2005, pp. 1729-1737. PDF
- Mostowski, Computational Semantics for Monadic Quantifiers,
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 8, 1998, pp. 107-121. PDF
- Pietroski et al., The Meaning of `Most': semantics, numerosity,
and psychology, Mind and Language, 24(5), 2009, pp. 554-585. PDF
- Solt, On measurement and quantification: The case of most and more than half, manuscript. PDF
- Szymanik, Computational
Language, Linguistics and Philosophy,
Vol. 33, Iss. 3, 2010, pp. 215-250. PDF
- Szymanik and
Zajenkowski, Comprehension of Simple Quantifiers. Empirical
Evaluation of a Computational Model, Cognitive Science, 34(3), 2010,
pp. 521-532. PDF
- Szymanik and
Zajenkowski, Quantifiers and Working Memory, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 6042, M. Aloni and K. Schulz (Eds.), Springer,
2010, pp. 456-464. PDF
- Tanenhaus et al., Sentence-Picture
as Theories of Sentence Comprehension: A Critique
of Carpenter and Just, Psychological Review 1976, Vol. 83. No. 4,
pp. 310-317. PDF
- Tomaszewicz, Verification Strategies for Two Majority Quantifiers
in Polish, In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn &
Bedeutung 15, Saarland Unversity Press: Saarbrücken, Germany,
2011. PDF
- Zajenkowski,
Some Language Impairments in Schizophrenia, Journal of
Communication Disorder, accepted. PDF. Presented at PUQL
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