I teach language, cognitive science, logic, and computability courses in CIMeC Master in Cognitive Science and the Computer Science program at the University of Trento. I also regularly teach in summer schools, mainly European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information. My teaching ambition is to create a dynamic environment that attracts students and young researchers interested in an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines logic and computational methods with cognitive science and linguistics.
Trento University classes:
- Introduction to computer programming in Python, Cognitive Science
- Semantics & Cognition, Cognitive Science
- Computational Logic, Computer Science
- Language Modeling and Cognition
Amsterdam university classes:
- Semantics & Cognition, Master of Logic and Linguistics.
- Logical Methods in Cognitive Science, Master of Logic and Linguistics
- Semantics & Pragmatics, BA in Linguistics.
- Computational Methods, BA in Cognition, Language, and Communication.
- Higher-order Cognitive Functions, Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
- Computational Complexity in Philosophy & Cognitive Science, Master of Logic.
- Experimental investigations into the semantics of quantifiers, Master of Logic.
- Interacting Agents Processing Information, Master of Logic.
- Structures for Semantics, Master of Logic.
Other university classes
- Capita Selecta AI and Cognitive Science: Game Theory, Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen, 2011.
- Quantifiers & Cognition, Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University, 2010.
- Introduction to Modal Logic, Artificial Intelligence at Utrecht University, 2009.
Summer schools:
- Computational approaches to the explanation of universal properties of meaning, ESSLLI 2022.
- Learnability of Quantifiers, ESSLLI 2019 and NASSLLI 2022.
- Quantity in Language and Cognition, Norwegian Graduate Researcher School in Linguistics and Philology, 2017.
- Quantifiers & Cognition. Logical and Computational Approaches, ESSLLI 2017, Toulouse.
- Logical Complexity and Cognitive Difficulty in Language and Reasoning, Computational Modelling & Cognitive Development Summer School, Amsterdam Brain & Cognition, 2016.
- Logical and probabilistic approaches to rationality, International Rationality Summer School, Aurich, 2016.
- Theories of reasoning: logic and cognition, NASSLLI 2016, Rutgers.
- Theories of reasoning: logic and cognition, ESSLLI 2016, Bolzano.
- Introduction to Generalized Quantifier Theory, ESSLLI 2014, Tübingen.
- From logic to behavior: Logic in cognitive modeling, ESSLLI 2014, Tübingen.
- Quantification and Computation, NASSLLI 2014, Maryland.
- Introduction to Generalized Quantifiers, Eastern Generative Grammar Summer School, Wrocław, 2013.
- Logic, Computability, and Cognition, Nordic Spring School in Logic, Nordfjordeid, 2013.
- Generalized Quantifier Theory Meets Cognition, ESSLLI 2011, Ljubljana.
- Introduction to Computational Complexity, Collegium Invisibile, 2006.
- Introduction to Mathematical Linguistics, Collegium Invisibile, 2003.
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Language, Collegium Invisibile, 2002.