Under the auspices of the Association for Logic, Language and Information an European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year in a different European country. I participated in ESSLLI for the first time in 2001 at Helsinki while I was still a student. This was a very important event for my later career choices. I think it was then when I decided that I would like to pursue research on the interface between linguistics, logic, and computations. A few years later in Malaga I attended my very first ESSLLI as a PhD students. Since then I have attended every single meeting either as a student, lecturer, or workshop organizers. There is no question that ESSLLI had a huge influence on my way of thinking and doing science. So I’m extremely honored and happy to join ESSLLI Standing Committee. See you in Riga for the 31st ESSLLI, where I’ll be co-teaching a class on learnability of quantifiers with Shane Steinert-Threlkeld.